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    ব্র্যাকে নতুন চাকরির নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ | আবেদন করুন এখনি

     BRAC Ngo Job Circular 2020


    BRAC Ngo Job Circular 2020
     BRAC Ngo Job Circular 2020


    Now BRAC NGO ICT developed this application with the latest technology to facilitate the recruitment process for BRA. BRAC is creating opportunities for human rights & social empowerment, livelihood, education & health, environmental & disaster preparedness. You need to go to the BRAC NGO’s new job circular 2020 official website at http://careers.brac.net. Read the online BRAC NGO job application form carefully. Sometimes BRAC NGO applies you should fill up the online form as like as your academic certificate and national ID card.
    Why important BRAC NGO Job circular 2020

    Maximum People want to a good job with a good company. Namely, BRAC is the Number one Non-Government Organization Company in the World. That’s why most people appreciate BRAC NGO Job circular 2020. Agriculture, fisheries, cooperatives, rural crafts, adult literacy, health, and family planning sections jobs are available on the company. You Must read the content ASA NGO jobs circular 2020 www.asa.org.bd. Are you a fine new BRAC Bank job Notice? We also published every day new job circular of Bank jobs. Job Apply Form download link for BRAC Bank Limited Job Circular Notice board. Hot news perfect Time published BRAC Bank Circular last date See inside details.

    BRAC Ngo job circular in summary:

    Name of Organization: BRAC NGO
    Job Published Date: 01 December 2020
    Post Position: Project Manager, GEC-T, BRAC Afghanistan
    Job Types: NGO Jobs
    Age Limit: N/A
    Total Number of Vacancies: NA
    Experience Requirements: See The Circular Image
    Salary Range: N/A
    Educational Requirements: Honours/Masters
    Application Deadline: 15 December 2020
    Website: http://careers.brac.net
    Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh
    Information: BRAC, Address: BRAC Centre, 75 Mohakhali, Dhaka: 1212


    BRAC Ngo Job Circular 2020
     BRAC Ngo Job Circular 2020


    How to apply to BRAC

    Interested candidates are sending their CV (Resume) with two recent color passport size photocopies, All-Academic, Experience, National ID Card Photocopies and require others decampments to the following address, BRAC Human and resources and learning division, RDA Section, BRAC center (5th floor), 75 Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212. Note: Positions Name will be written on Envelope with AD# 28/19, Selected Candidates will be deposit 5,000/- five thousand at joining time. Next 6 months after the Money will be returned.

    বাংলাদেশের সকল চাকরির সার্কুলার সবার আগে পেতে আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন

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